Kidney diseases are a global health challenge, affecting 10-20% of the population and significantly impacting quality of life. Therefore, our new research article in the SIC project focuses on the use of peptide bioregulators (such as Pielotax, Ovagen, and Renefort) in the prevention and treatment of kidney pathologies.
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We are pleased to present you our new lecture on the peptide bioregulators from our Scientific-Information Centre series in the convenient video format. It will address the topic of «Molecular mechanisms in the application of short peptides under hypoxia conditions».
Our new lecture as a part of Scientific Information Centre — Peptide bioregulators application in cosmetology: clinical and molecular aspects — focuses on this topic.
We congratulate the citizens of Latvia and all those associated with Latvia on the anniversary of the proclamation of the «Act of Independence» on 18th November 1918.