Every year many countries around the world celebrate the International Day of Beauty on September, 9th to remind us of the importance of harmonising our outer appearance with our inner self.
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“Ovagen lingual” – for the natural liver protection
There is an organ in the human body called “the main biochemical factory” – the liver. It is the largest and the most complex organ of the digestive system. The liver secretes bile, which is necessary for the body to digest food. Liver is involved in the synthesis of cholesterol and controls fat exchange, helps regulate the hormonal background removing excess hormones produced by endocrine glands from the body. The process of neutralization of toxins, poisons and allergens entering the body takes place exactly in the liver – all of the listed is transformed into less toxic and easily excreted compounds. The scope of responsibilities of liver includes metabolism of the vitamins А, В, С, D, E, К, РР and folic acid. It also stores the supplies of vitamins A, В and B12 and certain vital macro- and microelements – e.g. iron, copper and cobalt.
Importantly, this unique organ is capable of self-healing: if only 25% of the intact tissue is preserved from the liver, it will recover to its original state after some time under favorable conditions.
Evolutionarily liver is patterned on a certain load level, which does not entail the need for reflecting the impact of xenobiotics (medicinal substances, colorings, preservatives etc.), specific nature of nutrition peculiar to modern man, stress, intoxications, infections, bad habits in addition to unfavorable environmental status. The presence of certain hormonal problems impairs liver function as well: a decreased function of the thyroid gland and sex hormones, high levels of cortisol in chronic stress.
Despite the liver’s unique self-healing ability, regeneration processes in it slow down over time. For this reason, liver is in dire need of our support that can be provided by peptide bioregulators.
Scientists of the Saint-Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology have identified and synthesized short peptides containing just 3-4 amino acids as a result of amino acid sequence analysis of regulatory polypeptides from animal liver. The sequences are the exact copy of the preparation center isolated from the liver of young animals by extraction normalized metabolism in cells and regulate liver cells. This is how the preparation “Ovagen” (“Ovagen lingual” - in the sublingual form of application) was created.
Clinical studies have has established the effectiveness of this preparation in complex treatment of patients suffering from hepatitis of different etiology, in the prevention of radiation or chemotherapy complications and side effects in the use of antibiotics and other medicinal products, for the consequences of exposure of the organism to various unfavorable factors (including environmental and toxic factors), in malnutrition, as well as for maintenance of liver function in people of elderly and senile age.
Benefits of “Ovagen lingual”:
- peptides ingested into body by sublingual administration enter the bloodstream faster bypassing the liver (this is especially important in pronounced dystrophic changes of this organ);
- sublingual method of administration is optimal for the application of highly effective substances at low concentrations;
- bioavailability of the preparation is explained by the high density of venous and lymphatic vessels in the mucous and submucous layers of sublingual region.
- sublingual form of application is not inferior to subcutaneous injections.
Recommendation on the use of “Ovagen lingual”:
Adults take 5-6 drops under the tongue 10-15 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day. The duration of administration is 1 month. Reception of the preparation is recommended to repeat in 3-6 months.
Freshness and radiance of the skin, prolongation of youth, strong immune system - these are the main tasks set before anti-aging beauty products. Peptides presents the Revilab PRO anti-ageing product range, including Revilab Anti-A.G.E., to solve these problems