We are pleased to invite you to explore a new article from the Scientific Information Center on male health and peptide bioregulators — Application of peptide bioregulators to maintain the function of the male reproductive system.
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«Zinsil-T». For a comprehensive recovery of the body
Nowadays we write off almost any ailment on professional burnout, heavy workload, lack of time, weather change etc. However, even the lack of one microelement can become the culprit of poor health. This vital health component is zinc.
Zinc is commonly known as a product for nail, hair and skin care and is one of the vital microelements. The daily human need for zinc is 12-16 mg for adults and 4-6 for children.
The microelement is a part of all existing enzyme systems of the body and is a component of more than 300 metalloenzymes, involved in protein, fats, carbohydrates and nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) metabolism. Zinc belongs to the category of the antioxidants, “works” in conjunction with ascorbic acid, vitamins A, E, copper. Since the prenatal development period, zinc has participated in the building of tissues and metabolic processes. Zinc is vital for strong immunity, excretion of the thyroid hormone, normal regeneration of skin and mucous membranes, activity of central nervous system and intestine. It regulates reproductive function of men and women and maintains a sex hormone synthesis. Without zinc, the correct exchange of glucose, sharp eyesight, and good hearing would be impossible. The mineral is essential for bone tissue cell growth and division that is especially important in childhood.
There are many causes of mineral deficiency in the body; foremost among them is an unbalanced diet. It is important to know that zinc is found in plant and animal products. Zinc is most abundant in oysters, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, sesame, meat, cheese, oatmeal, legumes and chocolate. In case of unbalanced nutrition, it is recommended to identify zinc deficiency causes in a timely manner and eliminate them. It is preferable to take care of their prevention, for this purpose taking special medications containing zinс is beneficial. For the estimation of zinc content in the human body, you should consult experts who can help determine the zinc content in hair, blood and its serum.
Importantly, deficiency of this micronutrient causes a host of nonspecific health problems: from split hair to slow hair growth, endocrine disorders and infertility. Zinc deficiency accelerates the overall aging of the body regardless of gender.
Zinc almost doesn’t accumulate and is not synthesized in the body, so it must be obtained externally. “Zinsil-T”, presented in company Peptides, will help you achieve this goal. Its composition is enriched with 8,6 mg of zinc which represents 71.7% of the recommended daily requirement, 1,5 mg of vitamin B6, which is 75%, and 500 mg of glycine, which composes 14,3%.
Glycine as a part of «Zinsil-T» significantly improves zinc absorption and is capable of reducing psychoemotional tension, enhancing mood, facilitation and improving sleep, increasing mental performance, reducing toxicity of alcohol and other medications that depress the CNS function.
Vitamin B6, another essential component of «Zinsil-T», is essential for normal functioning of the central nervous system. It helps to get rid of night and calf muscle cramps, hand numbness. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) acts primarily as a metabolic stimulant. It serves as a protein coenzyme and is involved in the processing of amino acid and regulation of protein absorption. Pyridoxines are also involved in the synthesis of blood cells and its coloring pigment – hemoglobin and supply cells with glucose.
«Zinsil-T» is particularly important for the human body:
- for the prevention of premature aging;
- for immunity and antioxidant status enhancing;
- to overcome stress;
- in case of insomnia;
- after suffering strokes and head injuries;
- in case of allergies;
- in case of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism disorders;
- in case of diabetes mellitus;
- for atherosclerosis;
- in the case of vegetative dystonia;
- in case of hypertension.
«Zinsil-T» is recommended for adults and children over 14 years old, 1 tablet 2 times a day, chewing, with meals. Period of administration: 1-2 months. If necessary, the reception can be repeated.
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